Shravanabelagola (Karnataka), April 17: The Karnataka State Jain Youth’s Conference passed an unanimous resolution to launch the ‘Karnataka Jain Youth Federation (KJYF)’ under the leadership of Sri D.Surendra Kumar the working president of Bharatiya Jain Milan. A resolution in connection with this was passed at the interactive session of the conference. During the interactive session many questions ranging on different aspects from the youth movements, Jain religious practices, practice of Yaksha Yakshi pooja, the future on youth movement in Karnataka and others flocked the organisers. Replying to a question on the future of the youth movement in Karnataka Sri Charukeerthi Bhattarakha Swamiji put forward a proposal for the launch of the federation. This proposal was unanimously accepted by all and there by making way for the launch of the KJYF. The interactive session which was planned for just one hour extended to more than two and a half hour. With the questions flocking from all corners it was a herculean task for the organisers to filter out the questions. Sri S.Jitendra Kumar the president of KJA; Sri T.G.Doddamani, Retired joint director, department of social welfare; Sri Tatya Saheb Talavara Secretary of Veerasevadal; Sri Sagar Chougale, Mahamantri of Dakshin Bharat Jain Sabha; Sri S.N.Ashok Kumar editor of Gommatavani and Sri Abhayachandra Jain, chief whip Government of Karnataka answered the queries. – Jain Heritage Centres News Service (JHCNS)