Hassan (Karnataka), 10th August 2017: Suresh Kumr Jain, President MMC Expo – 2018 briefed the Honorable Deputy Comissioner (DC) of Hassan District Smt. Rohini Sindhoori Dasari (IAS), other officers & officials and members of Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava Committee – 2018 (MMC-2018) about the plans of mahamasthakabhisheka exhibiton project at the district level Mahamasthakabhisheka commitee meeting held at the DC office on 10th August 2017. The Superintendent of Polics Hassan, Sri Varaprasad Reddy (special officer for Mahamastakabhisheka Mahotsava – 2018), Sri S Jitendra Kumar (working president of MMC-2018), Sri Anil Sethi (president of accommodation committee of MMC-2018), Sri Vinod Bakliwal (president of food committee of MMC-2018) and others were present. – Mahamasthakabhisheka Mahotsava Exhibition Committee