Shravanabelagola (Karnataka), May 11, 2005: It was a unique joyous occasion when the devotees of Lord Bahubali observed the Stambhamuhurtha ceremony of constructing the scaffold for Lord Bahubali on the Vindhyagiri hill to perform the Mahamasthakabhishekha. Sri Arvind Rishvud, Secretary of Revenue Dept., Govt. of Karnataka, performed the pooja amidst the hymns and shlokas chanted by the priests. Acharya Sri Gunanandiji Maharaj with his team, Muni Sri Vibhavasagarji Mahraj and Acharya Sri Soubaghyasagarji Maharaj were present on the occasion. The pooja was celebrated following the worshipping of Lord Chandranatha. Sri Charukeerthi Bhattarakha Swamiji performed the pooja and also guided the devotees. Pooja’s were also offered to Bhagawan Sri Adinatha Swami at Odegal basadi. – Jain Heritage Centres News Service (JHCNS)